National Registry of Certified Housing Professionals
NCHM’s online National Registry of Certified Housing Professionals is the go-to reference for employers looking to verify credentials. Please enter the person’s first and last name below to see their credentials.
National Registry Search
Enter the person’s first and last name to verify their certifications.
Please Note: The National Registry is updated once per week on Monday. If you just renewed your active certification, please be aware that it will be reflected in the next update. Thank you.
“No Records Found”? Persons without an Active Certification Status with NCHM are not listed in the National Registry. If you are searching for yourself and don’t have an Active Certification, renew your certification by clicking here. Have an Active Certification and don’t see yourself? Your Active Certification could be under another name, as the First Name search is exact, so you may need to try variations of your first name to get accurate results. Otherwise, please contact for assistance.