HOME Compliance Specialist

The Gold Standard of Compliance Training and Certification for Professionals Involved in the Use of HOME Funds in Rental Housing.

The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) provides grants to States and localities that are used to fund a wide range of affordable housing services. Such services include building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income persons. HOME is the largest Federal block grant program designed exclusively to develop and preserve affordable housing for low-income Americans.

NCHM’s HOME Compliance Specialist (HCS) program is designed to help students become proficient in qualifying applicants for residency in rental properties, balancing the requirements for specific unit types, and assuring compliance with their Participating Jurisdiction’s reporting policies. The course covers both federal regulations associated with the HOME Program and how local Participating Jurisdictions implement their own procedures to meet community needs.

What you’ll learn:

  • The origins of the HOME program and how both private and public entities work together to expand the availability of affordable housing options.
  • Methods and requirements for calculating a household’s Annual Gross Income
  • How to balance multiple layers of compliance – especially for properties blended with Section 8 and/or the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program.
  • The difference between High HOME units and Low HOME units, and the features of fixed units versus floating units
  • How to maintain a fiscally and operationally viable property over the long-term while staying in compliance with HOME’s objectives and requirements.

One Stop For Training and Certification

When you register for HOME Compliance Specialist (HCS), you are signing up to attend a live online training course delivered by a training team that is the best in the industry. Included with your training is the HCS Certification exam, which you are able to complete up to one week after the conclusion of the training program. No need to find a testing provider or schedule an in-person exam – NCHM is your one-stop for a complete training and testing experience.

Course Profile

wdt_IDFirst ColumnSecond Column
9Duration (Live Online)Four Days; 1PM-5PM Eastern Each Day
11Exam (Online)Includes online exam - one week to complete
12FormatLive Online Instruction; Lecture with multimedia presentation
14AudienceStaff involved with the administration of rental properties that include HUD HOME funding
15ProvidedCourse Materials Shipped Directly To You

Upcoming Courses

Looking to register 20 or more individuals?

Private Training by NCHM may be the answer.

For organizations looking to train 20+ employees at one time, NCHM offers Private Training administered by an NCHM expert instructor. These sessions can be delivered either online or in-person. Reach out today to see if Private Training is a good fit for your organization.