Industry-leading training from a name that opens doors.
As the ultimate resource for knowledge and credibility, owners and managers count on us to keep them ahead of the curve.
Upcoming Online Training
Our live online training courses allow you to earn your certification no matter where you are. Taught by NCHM’s leading instructors live, online training will help you improve your knowledge, earn your certification and increase your effectiveness immediately.
Certified Occupancy Specialist (COS)
Sep 9-12, 2024The COS training is a comprehensive study of HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing guidelines and regulations set forth in HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 and subsequent notices.
Tax Credit Specialist (TCS)
Sep 16-19, 2024TCS provides a thorough review of IRS regulations and guidance, including the IRS’s Guide for Completing Form 8823.
HOTMA Compliance
Aug 22-23, 2024Register today for NCHM’s comprehensive training on HOTMA, a major change to the affordable housing industry.
Our Mandate
We are the only organization mandated by the President of the United States to professionalize the housing industry. As the ultimate resource for knowledge, status, and credibility, owners and managers count on us to keep them ahead of the curve on complex regulations and industry best practices. We professionalize people and organizations, making them more valuable and effective.
Latest News & Insights
NCSHA Releases HOTMA-Compliant Model Compliance Forms
NCSHA released new and updated model forms for State Housing Credit Agency use in LIHTC program compliance.
HUD Announces New Passbook Savings Rate for 2025
HUD finalized its calculations for the upcoming year’s passbook savings rate.
HUD Publishes Annual Adjusted Factors for 2025
HUD has released the inflation-adjusted values and the revised passbook rate for 2025
Veterans for Housing Initiative
Support for veterans of the United States armed services is a national priority, and many organizations have answered the call to help veterans in the areas of health care, housing, jobs, and beyond. We applaud these organizations for providing services to those who have selflessly pledged to protect our freedom and way of life.
But the Veterans for Housing Initiative is different. Our goal is to attract and train veterans for careers in housing management. We believe that the housing industry itself, and affordable housing in particular, represents a unique opportunity for veterans to continue to give back to their community while also being an excellent career choice.