Blended Basics: LIHTC and RD

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SKU: 190715


As the nation's portfolio of affordable housing continues to age and the amount of available federal resources shrinks, blended sites (also known as layered or combo sites) have become the new reality. Along with this new reality, however, comes the difficulty of navigating the different regulatory requirements at these blended sites.

The third webinar in NCHM's blended series looks at sites that combine LIHTC and Rural Development.

As stated in the RD Handbook HB-2-3560, "The greater the leveraging proposed in a project, the greater the preference for funding." These days this means that it is more likely than not for RD projects to be blended with LIHTC, among other sources of funding. Although these two programs share the same definition of income, there are many other differences that can be difficult to navigate as they each have their own their priorities and program languages.

This webinar will cover basic program mechanics for both LIHTC and RD and then dig into the depths of tenant eligibility, with special attention on how to manage the differences. This webinar is a must for managers in rural areas who are increasingly required to understand RD in combination with LIHTC in order to achieve and maintain compliance.