HUD takes aim at housing discrimination

In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s majority decision upholding the disparate impacts portions of the Fair Housing Act (Paul Votto and I will be leading a webinar on this topic on Monday, July 13), HUD issued a major rule on July 8 to affirmatively further fair...

Keeping resident files secure and confidential

NCHM has talked about the importance of resident files for years, in both on-site and online training prograns and in response to eHotline questions. Housing professionals who have paid attention to my contributions in this forum know that I always emphasize that our...

HUD issues notice on equal access in Public Housing

On August 20, 2014, HUD’s Office of Public Housing issued Notice PIH 2014-20. This notice implements the HUD program rule requiring equal access without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity, is applicable to all PHAs, and remains in full force and effect...