In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s majority decision upholding the disparate impacts portions of the Fair Housing Act (Paul Votto and I will be leading a webinar on this topic on Monday, July 13), HUD issued a major rule on July 8 to affirmatively further fair...
NCHM has talked about the importance of resident files for years, in both on-site and online training prograns and in response to eHotline questions. Housing professionals who have paid attention to my contributions in this forum know that I always emphasize that our...
On August 20, 2014, HUD’s Office of Public Housing issued Notice PIH 2014-20. This notice implements the HUD program rule requiring equal access without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity, is applicable to all PHAs, and remains in full force and effect...
Every month — and sometimes every week — I get emails with a common refrain: “I can’t find this issue addressed in the HUD Handbook 4350.3, Rev. 1.” I felt the time had come for me to devote a column to this, because I know how...