HUD has announced that Performance Based Contract Administrators (PBCAs) and HUD field offices can resume Management and Occupancy Reviews (MORs) in areas where state or local laws do not restrict them, according to a June 23, 2020 Memorandum released by HUD’s Director of Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight.
The Memorandum provides that PBCAs may choose to use alternative methods to conduct the review including:
- Suspending unit inspections through 09/30/2020
- Contacting residents by phone or email to determine whether EH&S or other deficiencies noted on REAC inspections were corrected; and,
- Conducting entrance/exit interviews by phone and/or email when state or local law prohibits these interviews from occurring on site.
MORs must still include on-site visits to document the physical condition, general appearance, and security of property and an on-site review of tenant files. Onsite review of tenant files may take place without any physical contact with management staff. The PBCA will provide a list of files in advance and the management staff can leave them in a secure location within the property for the PBCA to access.
To learn more about HUD’s plans to re-start MORs and its applicability to you, you can read the entire HUD Memorandum here.
There is no reason not to be completely prepared for your next scheduled review as HUD has designed the MOR process to be completely transparent. The 47-page HUD Form 9834 details every question that will be asked of you. It is like having a copy of the final exam in advance!
In the NCHM Management and Occupancy Review Specialist (MORS) class, we review the different parts of the HUD Form 9834 and talk about ways to better prepare for your review. We detail common findings and how to avoid them. At the completion of the course, you will have a better understanding of what it takes to better manage your property and review a superior rating.
The MORS course is now taught exclusively online in three-hour sessions over a three-day period. Click here to access our upcoming offerings and let NCHM help you improve your performance.
Upcoming MORS Online Sessions